The Peasant's Fell Bargain Computer Game

Level of Education of Students Involved


Faculty Sponsor

Nicholas Rosasco


Arts and Sciences


Computer Science

ORCID Identifier(s)

0009-0005-3895-0073 0009-0005-4178-5419 0009-0005-3980-776X

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-27-2023


Our customer, Professor Buinicki, has written and published the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game (DCC RPG) adventure module “The Peasants’ Fell Bargain”, which is built around an extensive branching narrative, set in a very developed genre. In this project the goal is to convert this tabletop roleplay recreational module into an interactive digital experience. It will capture the flow and decision paths as outlined in the original text along with some modifications to make it suitable for a single player. The development team selected the Unity engine ecosystem, a widely used industry tool for 2D game creation, was selected. In addition to numerous benefits for expediting scene creation, this platform also provided an integrated source control solution built to handle both application code and visual/art assets needed to deliver an immersive experience to the player. While this imposed a learning curve, the facilities provided by this tool enabled the team to support a two week development cycle and incorporate regular feedback from the author. Ultimately this also led to a highly effective, cross-disciplinary discussion with mutual feedback

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