Campus Origin-Destination Study Using Bluetooth

Faculty Sponsor

Jay Grossman




Civil Engineering

ORCID Identifier(s)


Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-28-2022


To develop an origin-destination model of campus pedestrians, this study utilized Bluetooth receiver systems to record the location and time that students passed receiver locations. This data was then analyzed to create a model of origin-destination links on campus. Data for this study was collected during the Fall 2021 semester and enhances previous data collected in the spring semester, using the same receiver locations. Comparisons of student travel behavior between the two semesters were able to be made. Peak traffic times, specific entrance volumes at buildings, and identification of the highest traffic routes were determined.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Mary Busby is a junior civil engineering major. Evan Stock is a junior civil engineering major.

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