Lithium-Ion Batteries Compared to Lead-Acid Batteries in Mechatronic Football Robots at Different Loads

Faculty Sponsor

Jay Grossman




Electrical Engineering, 3D printing

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 4-29-2021


A battery with improved capacity and current output would enable the creation of more aggressive and strategically enabled robots for Valparaiso’s robot football team. Research and development led to the creation of a lithium-ion battery pack that will accommodate such future designs. The objective of this project is to test the performance of lithium-ion batteries against that of traditional lead-acid batteries. Two load levels representing typical (80 amps) and extreme (120 amps) usage cases are tested on four lead-acid batteries and two lithium-ion batteries. Tests measured maximum output amperage, discharge time, and lifetime charge/discharge cycles.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

Ethan Storer is a Freshman majoring in Mechanical Engineering who loves Valparaiso's robotic football club. His initial goal was to create an improved quarterback with a "swerve" style drivetrain. However, upon initial calculations, the power to run this new design required more output than the lead-acid batteries could manage. Upon discussion with several peers, Ethan decided to build his own battery using 18650 Lithium-ion cells and 3D printing.

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