
Examining the Relationship Between Brand Equity Dimensions and University Brand Equity: An Empirical Study in Turkey

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Recently, due to global challenges, universities have started developing brand strategies, as branding has been considered as a differentiation strategy for institutions of higher education. This is currently happening in Turkey. As the number of universities (public and private) increased, Turkish universities have also started competing for students. Among the studies that attempted to develop comprehensive measurement scales to examine consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) and its dimensions, only a few examined university branding (Mazzarol, 1998; Gray et al., 2003; Jevons, 2006; Hemsley-Brown and Goonawardana, 2007; Black, 2008; Ng and Forbes, 2009; Whisman, 2009; Pinar et al., 2011). Moreover, no extant study has investigated the relationships between brand equity dimensions and university brand equity in Turkey. Thus, this study aims to provide an understanding of university brand equity from the students’ perspectives in Turkey. Therefore, this study examines the importance and significance of relationships among brand equity dimensions.


Presented at the 23rd Turkish National Marketing Conference (Competitive Track), June 27-29, Kocaeli, Turkey

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