

Rectal oncological pathology represents an increased degree of difficulty in terms of surgical approach. Along with the development of minimally invasive surgery, technology has also increased the options for performing digestive anastomoses. A significant increase has been observed among mechanical anastomoses. The evolution of mechanical sutures through the use of the stapler has become a true symbol of technological advancement, as they have led to improvements and effective gains in quality and productivity in suture making. The aim of this paper is to highlight the advantages of the use of staplers in rectal surgery, with their help achieving a lower percentage of postoperative complications, a lower incidence of suppuration, fistula and evisceration, a much faster patient recovery, a lower mortality, an increase in the possibility of performing low anastomosis and a decrease in the performance of colostomies that are difficult to be accepted by patients, most of them requiring a shorter period of hospitalization after major oncological surgery.

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