The Valpo Core Reader


Tim Kolzow

Document Type

Citizenship and Service Essay

Publication Date



If I have been shown one thing in my nineteen years of life as an American it is that this country is primarily founded on the basic principle that you need to acquire as many possessions as you can so that you can have the best reputation that you can, regardless of who it hurts. This must be true only because that idea is what I am shown every single day. Apparently, in order to achieve the reputation required to be a citizen in this country, I need every product in existence, because it boosts my reputation and, therefore, makes me a better person:

"When you got it, flaunt it"--Braniff Airlines

"Have it your way."--Burger King

"If you want to get ahead, get a hat." --The Hat Council

"Because you're worth it."--L'Oreal

"Be all you can be."--U.S. Army

"Reassuringly Expensive." --Stella Artois

"Breakfast of Champions" --Wheaties

It's hard to argue with a few of the biggest companies in the world. I guess without these things, we can't live the "Good" life. Or can we?
