The Valpo Core Reader


Ethan Zillinger

Document Type

Portfolio Introduction Essay

Publication Date



The last semester has been very different for me, in terms of what you would call an "English" class. I've had classes that concentrate on essay writing, reading material, and being able to persuade an audience, but not a class where you actually sit down and think about what you're doing. You don't just get a grade on your papers, with large red pen marks carving out "DO BETTER" at the top of your page. You get constructive criticism and pointers on where your logic and arguments have trouble, not only from your professor, but from your fellow students. In reflection, I think it was very, very weird. In my writing style, though, I believe I've gained more than just a better ability to write and compose my thoughts, I gained the courage to write what I truly believe, and express it in the best way possible, and I believe I've learned from this semester that the most important thing in an essay is to stand for what you believe.
