The Valpo Core Reader


Michaelle Mary

Document Type

Life and Death Essay

Publication Date



In today's modem world nobody has time for anything. People schedule "quality time" for kids, schedule "date nights" with their mates, and trade time at home for overtime at work. They hardly have time to think, to feel, to deal with messy emotions. That's why they invent. They invent everything from the microwave to synthetic fibers to super highways; anything to make life a little easier and comfortable, faster and better. Mankind has revolutionized, industrialized, globalized, and compartmentalized. But people don't just stop at compartmentalizing goods and things; they stuff anything and everything in neat little boxes, in square things, within cube-like receptacles, on rectangular pieces of paper. They stuff them in the drawers of their hearts and minds and souls. They stick them in there until they are ready to deal with them. Some immediately peruse them, thumb through the feelings that they either didn't have the time to feel or didn't want to feel. Some keep them locked away or at least try to keep them away. This scenario becomes especially true when feelings of grief or loss are experienced.
