The Valpo Core Reader


Lori Smith

Document Type

Process Analysis Essay

Publication Date



Diet is a word often associated with starvation, pain, endless calorie counting, and a feeling of utter hopelessness: nonetheless, in today's fitness-crazed society, diets are as popular as The Cosby Show. Chances are all of you have vowed at one time or another to lose those excess ten pounds after eating a five-course gourmet meal. Your commitment probably only lasted, however, until supper the following day when you were offered a piece of irresistible strawberry cheesecake. If you are truly satisfied with your present physique, you are to be congratulated. Most of you, though, long to have the body of Christy Brinkley or Sylvester Stallone. You want to shed those unflattering innertubes around your waist, even if they have the charming title of "love handles." Just once you'd like to button those 501 Levis without inflicting pain. The problem surrounding the dieting dilemma, then, is not the question of should you diet, but how?
