The Valpo Core Reader


Laura Browning

Document Type

Freshman Seminar Essay

Publication Date



In the three narrations of the day trips led by D.H. Lawrence, several similarities and differences are evident. In D.H. Lawrence: A Composite Biography, Lawrence's sister, Ada Lawrence Clarke, methodically describes the visits to Wingfield Manor, Grich Stand and Whatstandswell. Jessie Chambers describes the same trips in an essay entitled "The Friendship with 'Miriam'," but also includes a flashback to a place called Hemlock Stone. In chapter seven of D.R. Lawrence's novel, "Sons and Lovers," he fictionalizes the same events, altering them only for literary reasons. Although each person participates in the outings and the general facts are at least similar, the differences lie in the emphasis each places on particular events and the tone of each passage.
