The Valpo Core Reader


Suzanne Crabill

Document Type

Cause and Effect Essay

Publication Date



"I'll take a double cheeseburger, large fries, and a jumbo Coke, please." This is a typical request made at many fast food restaurants across the United States. As the young man looks at his watch, he expects his food ready in sixty seconds or less. He has a business meeting in twelve minutes and has no time to spare. He eats in the car in less than eight minutes and enters the business meeting with thirty seconds to spare. Ten minutes later he must leave the meeting due to indigestion. Fast food restaurants came into existence to satisfy the needs of these time-conscious people. Fast food restaurants are effective in serving their purpose, but what do they reveal to us about our values and life style? Since more women are working, less time is spent in eating around the table. Few American families now use the meal as sacred time for the family where all members come together to share their lives in conversation. Also, Americans are simply too rushed to consider or care about nutrition.
