The Valpo Core Reader


Marcie Brown

Document Type

Division and Classification Essay

Publication Date



The state in which we leave our belongings is an individual decision. When we wake up in the morning, we have to choose whether or not to make our bed, leave our dirty clothes on the floor, or to wash the dishes now or later. Our habits of organizing do not always come from the type of environment in which we were raised. Rather, they are determined by our feeling most comfortable in a particular kind of atmosphere, a particular state of our surroundings. For instance, my family divides into three categories ranging from one extreme to the other. Among us are a meticulous cleanoholic, some mediocre maids, and a few hopeless slobs. With such a variety all under one roof, conflicts do arise, but these seem unavoidable because we would never be able to agree on the one way of living. Being orderly is important to some people while others could not care less whether they can see the floor of their room. There are also those who are generally relaxed when it comes to cleaning, but never fail to clean when it is extremely necessary.
