The Valpo Core Reader


Deann Feece

Document Type

Comparison and Contrast Essay

Publication Date



That morning began like all the rest. I struggled to get out of bed at seven o'clock to begin my morning ritual. Trying to wipe the sleep out of my eyes, I stumbled towards the bathroom to take a shower. As usual the cold piercing jet of needles succeeded in waking me up. I still hadn't gotten used to the fact that we didn't have hot water. I hurriedly dressed into my gray uniform, swept my hair back into a ponytail, and took a peek at myself in the mirror. There were dark circles under my eyes, the result of long hours of studying the night before in order to keep pace with my fellow students. The dark circles represented to me what calluses on the hand of a successful farmer represent to him: long hard hours of work that make a victory all the more pleasant. Little by little, I began to understand and share the pride and devotion that my fellow students in Peru, South America, felt.
