The Valpo Core Reader


Wade Jones

Document Type

Cause and Effect Essay

Publication Date



"You're so lucky. I wish I could be spoiled rotten like you." I have heard these words one too many times. Of course, every only child must sit and listen to this abuse, because he or she has already been labeled as the typical only child. We have no defense because the stereotypes about the only child seem to be written in stone. However, this only child is ready to fight back. This stereotypical conception of the only child is inaccurate, and specially so because the people analyzing our lifestyles are members of larger families. How can these people know exactly what it is to be an only child if they weren't one themselves? I will grant that some conceptions about an only child are true, but others are definitely misconceptions. Like anything else, being an only child is a mixed blessing and only an only child can fully appreciate the drawbacks.
