The Valpo Core Reader


"MS" (1993)


Nicole Katonah

Document Type

Definition Essay

Publication Date



Some people think of the loss of childhood as the gain of responsibility. When childhood ends, you become responsible for yourself and for your actions. You become more independent, are assigned more chores, get more allowance, and can finally cross the street by yourself. However, when I think about my childhood ending, I don't think of responsibility or about earning the trust of my parents. It is a period when your interests change and you can see more of the world than you saw as a child. Summer is no longer thought of as simply a huge span of time to do nothing but play and eat slurpees. It is now three months and there is a schedule to keep. The things that were exciting to you when you were younger are no longer interesting. This doesn't mean that when you reach a phase in your life when playing cowboys and Indians isn't fun anymore that your childhood has ended. It means that there comes a time, which is different for everyone, when we suddenly see the big picture and the simple pleasures of childhood fade away and adulthood sets in.
