The Valpo Core Reader


Chantale Bilar

Document Type

Process Analysis Essay

Publication Date



When I look back on my past, I don't see it as being very different from anyone else's. I did everything all the rest of the kids did when I was growing up. I went to school, learned math, and played at recess with my friends. I learned to ride a bike, fall off of it, and get back on once more. I went for walks near a lake by my house where I caught fish and let them go again. I spent a lot of time with my friends, out of school as well as in school. As I got closer to my friends, I was invited over to their homes. There I met their families: moms, dads, brothers, sisters, and occasionally grandmas and grandpas. Everyone lived in the same house, no matter how big or small it was. There always seemed room to accommodate one more person into the family. I felt welcome among all of the families I met. There was a lot of love and affection within each of their households. I felt that my family had that same warmth and tenderness that I saw demonstrated in all the others. I didn't realize until later how wrong I was.
