The Valpo Core Reader

Document Type

Definition Essay

Publication Date



Have you ever noticed an interesting phenomenon in various occupations and the personalities that accompany them? Politicians are always in the center of a group telling funny stories or jokes. Lawyers always seem to be trying to get to know as many people as possible and remembering their names to solicit future clients. Engineers, on the other hand, have an entirely different attitude toward relating to others. One of the requirements in my general engineering course was that I had to attend an outdoor picnic. It was interesting to observe engineers, teachers, and engineering students trying to communicate with one another. Engineers have different objectives when it comes to social interaction. Normal people expect to accomplish several unrealistic things from social interaction: stimulating and thought-provoking conversation, important social contacts, and a feeling of connectedness with others. In contrast to normal people, engineers have rational objectives for social interactions--how to get this over with as soon as possible without getting invited to something unpleasant.
