

Bruce Cutler

Document Type

Peer-Review Article


Northwestern Minnesota is one of the principal producers of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) seed in the United States. Extensive areas of cropland in Roseau County are devoted to this seed production. The natural vegetation of Roseau County is in itself interesting, since the county straddles the ecotone between boreo-nemoral forest and prairie. The types of plant cover include the following: prairie, jack pine forest, black spruce-larch bog, aspen woods, spruce-fir forest, and river flood plain forest. The soil types are consequently, quite complex. Generally, bluegrass is grown on burnt and drained peatland, or former prairie sites. The topography of the bluegrass growing areas is flat, and spring flooding is extensive. The climate is typically continental, with severe winters and a three month, frost free growing season.

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Entomology Commons



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