
Document Type

Peer-Review Article


Spiders of 12 families, 42 genera, and at least 62 species were captured in linear-pitfall traps placed in insecticide-treated (Sevin-4-Oil®, Dipel 4L ®, Thuricide 16B®) and untreated spruce-fIr forests of west-central Maine. Species richness per family ranged from 1 (Theridiidae, Araneidae, Salticidae) to 19 (Erigonidae). Most trapped species were web-spinners (67.2%); most trapped individuals were hunters (75.2%). Lycosidae accounted for 66.1 % of all (n = 887) captured spiders. Total trapped spiders varied among insecticide treatments, sampling dates, and study sites. However, comparison of mean prespray and postspray trap catches indicated no significant reduction (ANOVA, ANCOVA, P 0.05) in terricolous spiders following insecticide treatments. Increases in spider abundance during postspray sampling periods may have masked detection of treatment effects.

Included in

Entomology Commons



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