"Resonances of Universalism in Tolkien's Legendarium" by Nick Polk


Presented at the inaugural Holy Moot, a survey of a collection of passages from Tolkien's writings that demonstrate having the resonances of patristic universalism is conducted. It is then argued that all Tolkien’s writings be investigated separately in their context, comparing the location of each item under investigation with one another, and explore their connections without syncretizing them into a monolithic construct. To do this, it is argued that a hermeneutical theory rooted in the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead is necessary. Concluding is a connecting of Whitehead's understanding of the expression of language with Tolkien’s own understanding of expression as an essential part of the concept of sub-creation, furthering the case that a Whiteheadian theory of interpretation not only assists in supporting the presentation's thesis, but resonates closer with Tolkien's own approach to interpretation.



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