(Excerpt) Mrs. Gahr, my teacher for several years in the one-roomed country school I attended, always said a word is really yours when you have used it correctly in a sentence three times. There is a ..
(Excerpt) Mrs. Gahr, my teacher for several years in the one-roomed country school I attended, always said a word is really yours when you have used it correctly in a sentence three times. There is a sense in which we can say the "living Word" becomes "ours" when we use it Using the living word, however, is not just putting nouns and verbs and other parts of speech together. Using the living word correctly is not even just rightly dividing law and gospel. Using the living word must also involve actions and deeds. One of the ways the church uses the word correctly is what we have often called diakonia. Through its service within the community of faith and for the world, the church uses the word, making it flesh in the lives of people. And .as we use the word that way, we may well find that the word becomes not only flesh but also really ours.