
Low-Carbon Economies (LCEs): International Applications and Future Trends

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Journal Title

Handbook of Engaged Sustainability


After decades of living without regard to the health of the biosphere as evidenced by unbridled consumption, energy waste, disproportionate wealth, and disparate access to resources, the world’s population is now collectively facing an existential threat. Global nation-states and territories universally acknowledge that climate change, or global warming, as marked by massive environmental degradation, species extinction, increasing incidences of extreme weather events, death and displacement of whole societies, and rising population growth with accompanying energy demands, must be addressed with full awareness, comprehensive engagement, and immediacy. Several nations, territories, and regions are stepping up to the plate to effectively wage the battle. This is evidenced by policies and strategies propounded by both the private and public sectors – and complemented by rapid advancements in clean energy generation and storage technologies – to achieve a low-carbon economy (LCE), one which answers the energy needs of its constituents in a manner of producing the lowest greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions possible with the ultimate objective of achieving complete carbon neutrality.
