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Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, is Director of Program and Associate General Director of Church Women United. Born and educated in Cuba, she has lived in the United Stares since 1960. A Roman Catholic, Ms. Isasi-Diaz is an accomplished linguist and has written extensively in both Spanish and English. The following is the text from her keynote speech at the LHRAA Summer Institute "Andando Juntos."

I am most grateful for the invitation to be here with you. It has given me the opportunity to reflect on the issue of ministry among Hispanics and to put in writing some of the understandings and learnings I have reaped from working with my own people for the last ten years. I am also grateful for the serious attempt being made by the Lutheran Human Relations Association of America to bring the issue of ministry among Hispanics up front and center. I hope your efforts in this regard are most successful.
