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For years the vast majority of America's people have backed away from becoming involved in attempts to solve our country's racial problems. Perhaps one reason is the immense and complex nature of these problems. Perhaps they feel there is nothing really that an INDIVIDUAL can do about them.

The Lutheran Human Relations Association of America believes that MANY INDIVIDUALS working away at the problems - in many different places at the same time can achieve much. But it is necessary that there be no postponement. On the strength of such convictions, in cooperation with Valparaiso University, LHRAA has chosen to examine the theme WHERE YOU LIVE in its annual Institute this year, in order to determine how more individuals can be enlisted to participate in eliminating from the racial scene the human relations problems that have plagued us through the years.

Dates of the 1966 Valparaiso University Institute on Human Relations will be July 22 at 2:30p.m. till July 24 at 4 p.m. A registration blank for the Institute appears on page 2. The program is described below.
