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The federal government is not the only agency which chooses to fight aggressively the destructive forces at work in the poverty pockets of our cities. In Kansas City, Faith Lutheran Church had long been serving the Northeast Neighborhood in its direct and straightforward way when, in July of 1965, the newly-created Office of Economic Opportunity decided, upon petition by the church, to devote a portion of its funds to this predominantly Negro, lower-income area of the city. The agreement which enabled this cooperation to take place stated that all clients would be served regardless of religious affiliation, and that all programs of the "Northeast Neighborhood Counselling Center" would be devoid of any sectarian religious content. This gave the counseling service the broadness of scope necessary for its existence as an agency of the federal government while still being expressive of many of the goals toward which Faith Church had all along been working in its ministry to the people of the area.
