Date of Award

Spring 2020

Project Type

Departmental Honors Paper/Project


Department of Chemistry

First Advisor

Paul Smith


As the demand for renewable energy grows, the investigation of potential battery materials continues to progress hastily. Many devices and machines of present day are operated by battery technology, and their energy requirements warrant which kinds of batteries will power them. The battery in a phone requires hundreds, possibly thousands, of uses and needs to be able to recharge quickly. The battery in the implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD), the battery by which this product was inspired, is only used once, but it must last years before it is replaced. The cathode of the ICD battery is comprised of a silver and vanadium compound. Silver has a large affinity for electrons, making it a popular candidate for battery studies, and vanadium has shown tremendous promise in numerous other battery studies to date.1-4 Instead of silver-vanadium compounds, this project examines four silver-molybdenum complexes referred to as silver molybdates (Ag2MoxOy).
