Psychological Impact of Football Related Concussions

Faculty Sponsor

Kelly Helm


Arts and Sciences


Exercise Science

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Symposium Date

Spring 5-2-2015


Sports related concussions are more prevalent now than ever. This study examines the relationship between collegiate football players who have sustained concussions and their emotional state. The question to be answered is, what is the impact of a sports related concussion on a collegiate football players emotional state? Two attributes central to this study are depression and anxiety. The Beck Anxiety Inventory and Beck Depression Inventory are instruments for data collection and will be distributed to all members of a collegiate football team prior to a Spring practice. Players will not be identifiable and responses will be analyzed according to each scale associated with each instrument.

Biographical Information about Author(s)

The author is an exercise science major with a minor in human biology and psychology. After graduation, the author plans to go to graduate school to become an occupational therapist. This study examines the relationship between body and mind. This study will help with the author's future plans of study.

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